“The strengths of this team are its professionalism, the common sense it provides in its advice, its knowledge of the market and legal framework, and its consistently up-to-date coverage of various fields.”
The Practice of International Trade, Logistics and Customs (PCI) is the specialized practice of BATALLA for the development of technical-legal services and business tools related to the areas of foreign trade, customs management and international freight logistics.
Since 2005, the development of specialized services in these areas has been continuous, generating the bases to constitute what is now consolidated as a highly diversified and regional and international practice.
The practice has as its main added value the composition of a solid body of professionals specialized in commercial and tax law, maritime law, customs law, economists and technical specialists in customs, international trade and logistics, a point that generates a high degree of differentiation in relation to the other national and Central American law firms existing in the local market, since not only specialized lawyers, but also customs and commercial administrators, with extensive technical knowledge and experience in private consulting and consultancy in their areas of expertise .
Our portfolio of services is varied, with four major portfolios of services: a) Customs Management, b) Integral Customs Audit, Internationalization and Logistics, c) International Contracting and Logistics of Goods and d) Commercial Intelligence, Market Access and Development of Business Opportunities.
These four portfolios of specialized services manage to offer our clients a broad spectrum offering, high added value and comprehensiveness, covering such diverse areas and topics as tariff classification advice and merchandise origin, to the development of commercial dynamics studies, studies of access to markets and support in processes and administrative procedures before the national customs authorities.
Our practice has a regional scope, having capacity for action and development of research, auditing, consulting or consulting processes at regional and international level and not only at the national level, achieving a coverage spectrum of more than 50 countries worldwide.
Our professional team has experience teaching in the areas of customs administration, foreign trade, customs law and international marketing (University of Costa Rica, UNED, Free University of Costa Rica), in turn are members of AZOFRAS (National Association of Free Zones) and active members of the AMCHAM Legal Affairs Committee; we also have the coordination of the Foreign Trade Committee of AMCHAM and the management of the Customs Subcommittee of UCCAEP, in addition to having active representation within the Foreign Trade Commission of UCCAEP, the Technical Committee of the Business Council of the Pacific Alliance in Costa Rica, CRECEX and the ICC.