“It is a firm with high standards of quality and client service. Their main strength is their impeccable professionalism and the quality of their work. It is on a level with any other international law firm.”

The industry of consumer goods currently provides several challenges related to different areas of your business in which different branches of law are affected. Such as, intellectual property, unfair competition, consumer rights, international commerce, amongst others.
To successfully perform the daily activities of your company it is necessary to have the advice and legal counsel of a group of specialists in each of these areas of your interest.
In BATALLA we understand the needs of your business and offer the most complete legal guide for you to perform your activities successfully.
The lawyers at BATALLA have extensive experience and technical talent in providing the counsel your company needs.
We have successfully counseled numerous national and international companies, in delicate aspects of your business, including:
- Philip Morris International/Tabacalera Costarricense: We effectively represented Philip Morris International and Tabacalera Costarricense in several litigations related to tobacco. We also counsel these company in aspects of their national operation.
- Monsanto/Bayer: We successfully represented Monsanto in the merger process with the multinational company Bayer, this includes the approval process before the National Competition Counsel. Further, we have successfully represented them in multiple litigations in Costa Rica.
- Del Trópico/Irex de Costa Rica: Del Trópico and Irex de Costa Rica are national companies that are dedicated to the production of consumer goods. We have counseled this companies in the daily aspects of their operation, but also have helped them with controversies regarding with consumer rights, both in judicial and administrative jurisdictions, before the National Consumer Counsel.
- El Ángel: We have collaborated for years with El Ángel company in all aspects of their operations, such as labor, corporate and consumer rights matters.